The first half of the regular season schedule has been posted. Please note, Mile One Centre has been renamed, and is now Mary Brown’s Centre.
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NEW Season Starts October 17th
Our 51st season will begin on Sunday October 17th at Feildian Gardens. Details for registration will be provided soon.
Date For AGM Set
The AGM has been set for Monday September 13th, 7:30 at the Geraldine Rubia Centre, (formally the Longside Club) on Shaw Street. Please make an effort to attend, as this meeting allows players to have their say in League issues. We also elect a new executive on this night. If you are interested, please attend and put your name forward. The season starts on October 17th this year. Your team rep from last season will be in touch with details on signing up for this year.
We’re Back!
We are happy to announce that the League will be resuming, starting on Monday April 5th at Mile One. This will be the start of the double round robin portion of our playoffs. The schedule for the round robin is now posted on the website. Your team reps will be in touch regarding return to play protocols, which will be similar to before, but will be enforced more strictly.
Sad News: RIP Ed Hollett
We have recently lost a long time friend and member of the league. Ed Hollett was involved with the Provincials as manager in the late 1960s. The Provincials was the govt team in the Civil Service League. When the NAPE league started in 1971, Ed was a coach. He was not a big man and I never seen him play hockey. I don’t know if he could even skate. However he had the interest in the league. I don’t recall him missing many, if any, games until he got sick a few years ago. He was very dependable to show up for games and always had a bit of advice or encouragement to help us along. Beside coach, he would attend AGMs and drafts regularly. He was a true volunteer. He did it for the love of the game.
credit: Bob Royle
Season Forced to Pause Due to Covid
The NAPE Hockey League executive regrets to inform players that due to community spread of Covid, the Chief Medical Officer has suspended all team activities for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately that means that we have to put our season on hold for a while. We have no idea how long this will last, nor how it will affect our season, and/or our playoffs. We will provide updates as we get them. Stay safe everyone. Hopefully we will be back on the ice soon.
Hockey Cancelled Tonight Feb 8th
Due to the weather, games tonight at Mile One are cancelled. Tonight’s games will be made up at the end of the regular season.
Playoff Schedule Added
Have a look at the schedules page. Playoff games have been added. If there are games you are unable to play make sure to coordinate with your teams league rep.
January 27th Games Postponed
Due to the Edge game be rescheduled, all games on January 27th at Mile One have been postponed. They will be added to the end of the regular season schedule.
January 19th games Postponed
Due to the state of emergency, all games tonight have been postponed. The games will be made up at the end of the regular season.